Day IV: The L, Rocks Lakeview, The Country Club & Party-time with Shelley!

Today was... also awesome. We caught up with Shelley!

Well, we woke up today, and decided that our plans to go out early to brunch with Shelley might need to be a little bit delayed.  After we got finally ready, we went out for our first ride on the "L" (the train system in Chicago).

We got off at the Addison stop so that we could check out Wrigley Field and Wrigleyville.  There was quite a bit of construction going on, so we decided to take a quick stroll around the outside of the stadium.  It was very clear that this neighborhood was dominated by the presence of the newly crowned world series champions, the Chicago Cubs.  Nearly every window had a "W" in their window, showing their support for the team.

Right when we thought that we had been all through Wrigleyville, (and had assumed that since it was off-season and winter, there wasn't going to be too much going on), we found Clark Street, and were quickly proven wrong.  It was not only active, but it was bumpin'!

After sufficiently taking a look at Wrigleyville, we decided to head down to Rocks Lakeview, where we had planned on meeting up with Shelley.  It wasn't long before we got into the neighborhood, and on the way we saw some amazing deals on rent (at least, coming from a SF perspective), with rents as low as $700 for a studio!

Then... we finally saw Shelley!  She gave us a huge hug, and the night had begun!  After some mimosas and food, meeting some of Shelley's friends and a few Ancient Age shots (Which we were told needed to be announced by screaming "Annnnccciiieeeennnttt AAaaaaaaage!!!" right before you take them), we decided to head out back to Wrigleyville to explore a bit more.

We decided to go to an Arcade bar, that had all sorts of games like the basketball arcade game, Skeeball, and even an indoor batting cage.  Conor had never played Skeeball, so that was pretty awesome in itself.  Their machines were a bit janky at best, but that wasn't about to stop us from having a blast.  After we got some sweet prizes for all the tickets we had won (think hot wheels cars), we decided to head out and see if we could find a new place that might interest us.

Well, when we heard a place bumping Britney Spears, it was clear that Conor and Shelley had decided it was a requirement that we went in there.  Not a problem, or so we thought.  When we got there, the bouncers weren't so happy with Ryan's white shoes.  After a few arguments that white shoes were not listed on their dress code, Ryan realized that he was literally breaking every single rule on their dress code otherwise -No hoodies, No hats, No Colored Shirts, and soooooo many more.  So we gave up on that place, and found a MUCH better place (although Britney wasn't to be found).  The new bar just had a "No Hats" rule, much easier to comply with.

We didn't spend long at that bar before heading to the final location for the night, The Country Club.  If you have never been there, it was a pretty interesting experience.  It appeared as though it was a bar designed to play country music, with a bit of a country theme to it, but at the same time, they served their beer in 40's (naturally, we got Mickey's) and played classic hip hop.  After a few drinks, some ridiculous dancing, and some great conversations, we called it a night and headed home.

Again, a legendary Chicago night for the books!

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